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December 5 2022 г.
FIZEPR-SW100.15.1 is a moisture meter designed for non-contact measurements of moisture content in drywall, fiberboard, chipboard, medium density fiberboard plates and other sheet materials on a conveyor line. This moisture meter can also be used to measure moisture content in timber.
The moisture meter sensor has an operating temperature of +180ºС, so it can be used in drying chambers.
October 18 2020 г.
For all existing crude oil moisture meters, the metering error increases when gas appears in oil. For most of them, when gas volume content exceeds 2 - 5%, the metering error becomes unacceptable.
A solution has been found specifically for FIZEPR-SW100 series in-line moisture meters to ensure accurate crude oil moisture measurement even with a high gas volume content. The solution is shown in the figure.
March 15 2019 г.
The new series analyzers designed for measuring concentrations of salt, acid and alkali solutions is put into production. Analyzers can also be used as moisture meters, but they can also measure materials with high electrical conductivity, such as anthracite, sewage sludge, ion-exchange resins (ion-exchange polymer), etc. Analyzers are used for in-line control of materials as well as for measurements in tanks and laboratory studies.
Презентация подготовлена для 6-го научно-практического семинара «Проблемы калориметрии сгорания твердых, жидких и газообразных топлив», прошедшего в ФГУП «ВНИИМ им. Д.И. Менделеева», Санкт-Петербург, 21 - 25 апреля 2014г.