Service and technical support
Software for moisture meter control by PC allows obtaining measured values and assigning the moisture meter settings:
- to change the moisture meter network address;
- to set moisture range for current output;
- to work with calibration tables and moisture meter configuration files;
- to display measured moisture, permittivity and temperature.
Version: 2.8 (11.04.2017)
System requirements: PC running Windows 7/8, Windows Vista, Windows XP.
Connection: RS232 port / RS485 / USB with converter.
Technical documentation
Manual_Fizepr-sw100_vol.1.pdf General operation manual for moisture meters of all variants
Setup Manual And Software Description_fizepr-sw100.pdf
Catalogue 1_v.3.10_ Eng.pdf Price list 2022 (Moisture meters FIZEPR-SW100 and microwave barrier for level SIUR-03V2)
Moisture meter warranty period is 24 months. Design Bureau "Fizelektronpribor" performs warranty and post-warranty repair of equipment.